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Rocks & Emerald Construction

we are committed to attaining complete efficacy in project execution by streamlining your supply chain process

Payroll Manager & Personal Assistant

Our Corporate Values

Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC is a vision focusing company to consult for the best in Quantity and supplies.


We don't ever promise more than what we can deliver, but we always deliver more than what we promised.


The greatest use of a human was to be useful. Not just to consume, not to watch, but to do something for someone else that improved their life, even for a few minutes. Our Trademark in Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC is RESPONSIBILITY


We encourage a fun and innovative workplace that recognize and reward our customers and employees.


We provide training and development to ensure the growth and success of our company. We share time, service and resources within each community we serve.

Our Services

Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC sells building materials and goods in bulk to the construction industry and in smaller quantities to self-employed tradespeople such as plumbers and carpenters

Building Materials

Without the right materials, your project falls apart. Let Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC Handle your Materials. Our Reputation Preceeds Us

Steel Building

Robust metal kit structures that are easy-to-assemble, functional and at the best price. Metal constructions in kit form adapted to your projects: hangars, barns and warehouses


We create legacy furniture, built to be passed from generation to generation. Every piece is created by hand, designed according to your specific vision and executed carefully by master woodworkers. True craftsmanship is rare, but you can find it at Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC.

Interior Decoration

Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC sells and Supply Beautiful Interior decoration Materials to all parts of the world.

Our Projects

Our company supplies building materials such as cements, funitures, lumber, plywood, windows, doors, columns, decking, kitchen cabinetry, trusses, metal studs, drywall, moulding and millwork.

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  • Building Materials
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  • Funitures
  • Interiors

Building Materials and supplies

We Supply Worldwide

Construction 1

Building Materials

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What our clients are saying about us

Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Partnering with Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC is one of the best decision i have made in my life

Sara Wilsson

Real Estate

I could remember in year 2011 when we want to built our fist Estate, all my fear was taken away by Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC. It was a year of great achievementfor us. Thank you Ault Charles

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

I contacted Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC when i want to renovate our store. It now a point of attraction.

John Larson


My struggles with supply and logistics has been sorted since i knew Rocks & Emerald Construction LLC